- celebrity
- знаменитостьизвестностьслава
English-Russian smart dictionary. 2014.
English-Russian smart dictionary. 2014.
Celebrity — (Каменец Подольский,Украина) Категория отеля: Адрес: Guns ka Street 32, Каменец Подольски … Каталог отелей
Celebrity — Ce*leb ri*ty, n.; pl. {Celebrities}. [L. celebritas: cf. F. c[ e]l[ e]brit[ e].] 1. Celebration; solemnization. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] The celebrity of the marriage. Bacon. [1913 Webster] 2. The state or condition of being celebrated; fame;… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Celebrity — blogebrity celeb celeblog celebreality celebriphilia celebrity advocacy celebrity worship syndrome … New words
celebrity — [n1] dignitary ace, big cheese*, big deal*, big gun*, big name*, big shot*, big stuff*, bigwig*, celeb*, cynosure, famous person, figure, heavyweight, hero, hotshot*, immortal, lion*, luminary, magnate, mahatma, major leaguer*, name, notable,… … New thesaurus
celebrity — index character (reputation), distinction (reputation), eminence, notoriety, prestige, regard ( … Law dictionary
celebrity — late 14c., solemn rite or ceremony, from O.Fr. celebrité celebration, from L. celibritatem (nom. celebritas) multitude, fame, from celeber frequented, populous (see CELEBRATE (Cf. celebrate)). Meaning condition of being famous is from c.1600;… … Etymology dictionary
Celebrity — Comédie de Woody Allen, avec Kenneth Branagh, Judy Davis, Leonardo DiCaprio, Melanie Griffith, Famke Janssen, Joe Mantegna, Winona Ryder. Pays: États Unis Date de sortie: 1998 Technique: couleurs Durée: 1 h 50 Résumé Sur fond de… … Dictionnaire mondial des Films
celebrity — /seˈlɛbriti, ingl. sɪˈlebrɪti/ s. f. inv. V. celebrità … Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione
celebrity — (izg. selèbriti) ž DEFINICIJA sociol. publ. onaj koji se čime proslavio, koji je vrlo poznat ETIMOLOGIJA engl … Hrvatski jezični portal
celebrity — *fame, renown, glory, honor, éclat, reputation, repute, notoriety Analogous words: prominence, conspicuousness (see corresponding adjectives at NOTICEABLE) Antonyms: obscurity … New Dictionary of Synonyms
celebrity — ► NOUN (pl. celebrities) 1) a famous person. 2) the state of being famous … English terms dictionary